Directional Drilling / Trenchless Boring Sewer Listening Device
Action Radio & Communications has a device to immediately warn crews operating horizontal directional drilling (HDD) equipment when a pilot bore accidentally strikes a sewer line.
The instrument consists of a sensitive microphone, a transmitting unit and receiver. The transmitter sends signals of sounds picked up by the microphone to a small receiver used by a crew member operating the drill unit’s electronic locater or the drill unit.
To monitor a pilot bore, the microphone/transmitter is lowered into the sewer line through a manhole and positioned just above the water line where the main enters the manhole. If a drill head breaks through the sewer main or a lateral, the noise of breaking pipe and pressurized drilling fluid entering the pipe is easily detected.
Drilling operator wears the receiver and earphone, listening to the audio transmitted from the orange box. The unit is battery operated and designed to function throughout a normal work day.
Box contains rechargeable battery and charger system. Unit can be plugged in after use and recharged in 4-8 hours. A power inserter is also available to allow the unit to be run of AC power instead of the battery.
Each custom built unit sells for $3,798.50 plus tax.
(Build time 7-10 business days)