COVID-19 Update and Radio Cleaning Information

On behalf of Action Radio and Communications, we would like to share with you our plan of operation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our priorities are clear – employee health and safety; and business continuity.
We are in a mission and operations critical industry that directly supports the safety and welfare of the public. It is that spirit of mission which drives us to serve our customers, even in the most difficult of circumstances.
We want to make clear that Action Radio and Communications remains open for business. We are continuing to process orders and respond to the needs of our customers. Our staff are available to process and/or expedite your orders and our service team remains fully operational. We are coordinating closely with suppliers to ensure we can continue to support our customers’ needs and schedules.
In response to the pandemic, we have taken the following health and safety precautions:
• Practicing social distancing and have encouraged staff to work from home whenever possible until further notice.
• Eliminated all non-critical travel until conditions warrant otherwise.
• Disinfecting high-touch surfaces at our facility multiple times each day.
• Emphasizing staff adhere to recommended hand washing policies.
Below are recommended cleaning and disinfecting guidelines for two-way radio equipment from our suppliers:
L3Harris – Radios/Control Heads/Accessories
L3Harris – Consoles/Network Equipment/Touchscreens
Tait Communications
Motorola Solutions/Vertex Standard
BK Technologies